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Beautiful coasters with Black Cat mug

The other day someone said to me that she didn't use coasters at home because they only had cheap furniture.  I say that's even more reason to use one!

When you're starting out and gathering bits together for your home it's expensive.  No one can do it all at once and if that means seeking out bargains at Ikea or brilliant finds at charity shops and flea markets then so be it.  What one person may think of as a small amount is a fortune when you don't have much in the kitty.

However much we have spent on furniture, if we look after it and treat it with care it will stay looking beautiful for a long time.

Using coasters, placemats, runners and table cloths will protect surfaces from scratches, stains and cup rings which are really difficult to remove or cover up. 

Try it!  You'll soon get in the habit and pretty fabric or colourful silicon under your cup gives a soft feel and stops all that horrible clunking on bare surfaces.

It's also a cheap and easy way to bring a little kawaii love into your home!



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